2010 edition
Body and soul gardens
29 April - 17 October 2010
"I was born and bred in my younger years in the garden of France: that is Touraine." Rabelais, Pantagruel, IX
At the heart of the garden, body and soul rejoice. It is a place full of the well-being, of "the otium", of the restfulness described by the people of antiquity, and above all "the place where you feel good". It is a space that has an impact on all the senses and is the ideal place to find peace and serenity: a space that favours contemplation and stimulation of the imagination.
However, it is also the place that gives life to those plants that care for the body, and more generally medicinal herbs, aromatic plants, condiment plants… The garden creates drugs, but also ointments, perfumes, flavours...
Sometimes considered to be a place of redemption from our torments, it is also a place that restores and cares for the mind. "Touching the earth" has an impact on our internal equilibrium and it has been possible to measure the power of the garden on cerebral and neurological pathologies. Physical exercise, intellectual activity, friendliness, everything in the garden works together to encourage positive energies.
The garden also cares for injured landscapes, which it embellishes, restores and repairs; it even contributes to purifying nature when it has been poisoned by human beings (pesticides, various types of pollution, etc.) with depolluting and detoxifying plants.
The garden cares for the soul and the body, but it also arouses passions, "body and soul" commitments in the cause of beauty, happiness and well-being. Stendahl wrote that "beauty is a promise of happiness". The garden knows how to keep this promise and give us the pleasure of contemplating it in all its invention and diversity.
Nobody can be unaware any more of how the garden takes care of us, deeply influences both body and mind and so helps "care" for us and heal us in various ways. Horticultural therapy, phytotherapy, hedonistic therapy are amongst the multitude of therapeutic practices engendered by the garden.
The 2010 gardens provide therapy for the soul as well as the body, and are an invitation into a world of serenity and harmony.

Hommage à Lady Day

Ma terre, mater

Signes de vie

Le Labyrinthe de la Mémoire

JardiNez, vagabondage aromatique

Le Carré des simples : une alchimie du corps à l’âme ?

Le jardin de la terre gaste

Rêverie dans la nature

Le rêve de Pantagruel

Un divan au jardin

Philocephalus Hortus

Hortithérapie sensorielle

L’arbre à prières


Cupidon s’en fout

Bon thé bon genre

Dix pieds sous terre

Le jardin qui chante

Cheveu d'ange

Main dans la main

Le vilain petit jardin de Jean-Michel Vilain


Des racines du corps à la bulle de l’âme

Igloolik ultima

Le creux de la main

Nature humaine 1 : arbres à loques, arbres de santé