Regional Domain of Chaumont-sur-Loire
In just a few years, the Domain of Chaumont-sur-Loire has become a must-see in the field of art and gardens.

The Domain
Since its acquisition by the Centre Region in 2007 during the transfer of State heritage to regional authorities, the Domain of Chaumont-sur-Loire has developed rapidly, both in terms of the increase in visitor numbers and the growth in its national and international reputation, which makes the Domain a "stand-out" location on the Loire Valley châteaux circuit.
The site's new "three-fold identity" comprises a major historic and heritage site – the Château –, new trends in global landscape design – the International Garden Festival – and in contemporary design – the Centre of Arts and Nature as well as special commissions created on site.
And this three-fold identity of the Domain of Chaumont-sur-Loire – heritage, art and gardens – makes it a unique place to visit on the Loire châteaux circuit; experts now consider it to be the largest indoor and outdoor art centre in France.
In addition, it has a number of certifications including: Remarkable Garden, Tourism Quality, Cultural Meeting Centre and has received 3 Michelin stars as a cultural event.
The Domain has completely refurnished its Château which now attracts, with its exhibition area, visitors wanting to find out more about the Proustian atmosphere of a residence at the end of the 19th century, people who are fascinated by its exceptional tapestry collection, its extraordinary Nini medallions and so much more...
The Domain invites the most highly acclaimed artists from around the world who explore and bring out the unique link between art and nature for the enjoyment of its visitors.
What's more, each year, the Domain organises a prestigious International Garden Festival for its visitors – a laboratory and observatory for the gardens of tomorrow, inventing new ways of seeing and experiencing gardens.
The Domain of Chaumont-sur-Loire offers a "comprehensive experience" "of immersion in a cohesive and outstanding location", an example of "French sophistication", available to everyone and respectful of its visitors and the environment.
Come and enjoy an unforgettable experience in Chaumont-sur-Loire, in a landscape listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.