2021 edition
Biomimicry in the garden
08 May - 07 November 2021
What if, even in the garden, we redesigned everything from a perspective of mimicry and having the same shapes and structures everywhere? Understanding and imitating living systems and, in particular, natural ecosystems is one of the keys to our future.
Managing the flow, energy, purification and storage of water, converting sunlight into energy, green chemistry... it can all be found in nature. Biomimicry is an innovative process inspired by living shapes, materials, properties and functions, and we can learn a lot from it in terms of bioluminescence, thermoregulation, cleaning up pollution, water repulsion, wind resistance and so on. The aim is to restore nature, animals as well as plants, to its place at the heart of human projects. Nature is therefore no longer just a resource or a constraint; it is a real source of inspiration.
Whether you look at the silk of spiders, the organisation of termite mounds or the tendrils of the Virginia creeper or burdock, there are a thousand opportunities to take a leaf out of nature's book and apply its techniques to the garden. The gardens for the 2021 edition are still as creative as ever, and at the same time portray the benefits of biomimicry, thanks to some remarkable talent.
In pursuit of this theme and its visual interpretation, designers for the 2021 event have proposed ambitious and exemplary creations that feature fresh and contemporary scenes, aiming to surprise, give understanding and capture imaginations all at once.
À rebrousse-poil

Le jardin caméléon

Le jardin de la termitière

Ce que l'on voit, ce que l'on sait

Bleu désir

Mosaïque mimétique


Terrain vague abonde

Territoire de bocage

L’effet lotus


Le petit pays des larmes

Le jardin rayonné

L’autre rive

Retour aux racines

Le jardin camouflage

L’arbre source


Le jardin des mangroves

Chemin de lierre

Tout est connecté

L’ode à Gaïa

Le jardin zèbre

La tour du jardinier des nuages

Les arches de jasmin étoilé

Le jardin (dé)connecté

Les Iris ensata et laevigata du jardin japonais

La collection des asters

La collection des dahlias

Permanent Gardens - International Garden Festival
Le sofa cactée