05. Un jardin psyché-délice
Christophe Baerwanger graduated as a landscaper in 2006. He spent his childhood in the country, where he carried out plant “experiments” in his parents’ garden (growing old-time edible plants, composing beds of flowering plants, etc.). At the age of 5, he helped his grandmother create her kitchen garden in Vandœuvre - Jarville (in the outlying suburbs of Nancy). At school, he studied for and was awarded a BAC STAE (Sciences and Technologies in Agronomy and Environment), then went on to take a BTS in Landscaping in Nancy before rounding off his studies at the Lullier School of Engineering in Geneva. Following a traineeship and employment with various companies in Nancy and Lyon, he has been working as a landscape architect and project leader at the Interscène landscape design office in Paris since 2006. In 2010, he carried off first prize at the International Festival of Mixed Gardens at Wesserling in Alsace, with a creation based on the year’s theme, “Steam Garden”.
Léa Dufour graduated as a landscape designer in 2010. Brought up in the country, she has managed to fulfil what has always been her dearest wish – to keep up her contact with and deep awareness of the plant kingdom through landscape design – and now creates her own landscaping projects. She graduated from the Higher Institute of Industrial Agronomics in Gembloux, Belgium (Certificate in Garden and Landscape Architecture) following studies at the School of Horticulture and Landscaping in Roville-aux-Chênes. She started her career at the TER Agency in Paris, before joining the APO (Architecture Paysage Organisation) Agency in Reims a year ago, where she collaborates in-house with architects, interior architects, designers and economists. She found creation of her first temporary garden – for the “Ville Culturelle de Luxembourg” in 2007 – a highly rewarding experience, and wanted to try her hand once again by taking part in the Chaumont sur Loire Garden Festival.
Richard Mariotte is a student of Landscape Architecture who has always wanted to work with and on behalf of nature – he had his own garden of aromatic plants when he was still a child! He took a Baccalaureate in Agronomy and Environment (BAC STAE) followed by a BTSA in Landscape Development at the Ecole d’Horticulture et de Paysage in Roville aux Chênes (France), before going on to take his Bachelor’s in Garden and Landscape Architecture in Belgium. He is currently studying for his Master’s in Landscape Architecture at Gembloux (Belgium), following an Erasmus year at the University of Montreal. His educational pathway has also included company placements and professional experience (both in the field and at design offices), enabling him to gain experience and develop his own vision of landscaping and the issues involved in its practice. He is no stranger to competitions – "Côté Jardin... Côté Graine" (Luxembourg 2007), Workshop (Libya 2009), end-of-studies work on the theme of temporary gardens (2009) and the Eco-District Programme (Montreal 2011) among others – and it is with the same motivation spurring him on that he has put himself down for the International Gardens Competition at Chaumont sur Loire.
Sara Moreau is a DPLG architect who graduated in 2005. She spent her childhood in Africa and has always been fascinated by the continent’s extraordinary diversity of landscapes and plant life (from the Malian desert to the tropical coasts of Senegal and the Ivory Coast). With an enduring passion for travel, gardens and plants, as well as for construction, she chose an educational path that united all her interests, taking her degree at the Paris Val de Seine School of Architecture (EAPVS). After spending 5 years working for an architectural agency in Paris, she is now a member of the APO (Architecture Paysage Organisation) agency in Reims, where she collaborates with other architects, interior architects, designers, economists and landscapers. A loyal hostess at the Chaumont-sur-Loire Gardens for over 10 years, she has long dreamed of taking part in the competition. When she learned of this year’s theme, she finally made up her mind to try her luck…
Charles Clément is an architect’s assistant who graduated in 2001. He found his true calling very early on in life – as a child, he built huts in the fields and forests where he spent his days. Now working under his own guidance as the single assistant at an architectural agency, he is an expert at carrying out volumetric calculations by computer. He obtained his BT as an architect’s assistant in Reims, and then spent two years at the Paris Val de Seine School of Architecture (EAPVS). After two years at the Denis Huerre agency in Paris, he has been working in Reims with DPLG architect Thierry Descours since 2007. A regular visitor to the Chaumont-sur-Loire Gardens for almost 10 years and fascinated by landscape construction and the challenges it involves, he is delighted to have entered for the Chaumont-sur-Loire International Garden Festival competition.