Prés du Goualoup
27. Le jardin bouquetier
The florist’s garden
published at 15/02/2024

This year, coupled with the The art of flower arranging event, the International Garden Festival is welcoming a Jardin bouquetier (The florist’s garden) featuring species that are popular with endangered insects and floral designers who enjoy wandering around the gardens of Chaumont-sur-Loire.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, gardeners would sell their flowers to "bouquetières", the only people who were authorised to make bouquets and then sell them.
The Domain’s Jardin bouquetier is a chance to rediscover these forgotten plants from a long lost era when our grandmothers would take great pleasure in picking flowers to fashion into a beautiful bouquet. Visitors will be able to admire sweet peas, gladiolus, Asian bleeding heart, sweet William, carnations, wallflowers, amaranthus, aquilegia, cineraria, delphinium, nigella, canna lilies, potentillas and other ranunculus, and floral designers can come and help themselves.
Design: Chantal Colleu-Dumond and Bernard Chapuis
Realization: gardeners of the Domain of Chaumont-sur-Loire