Den, sinkhole, cavern, cavity, crypt, chasm: all of those terms conjure up the impression of a certain kind of mystery, the idea of hideouts, of mysterious pathways for initiations.

For the designer, the grotto – or the temple – is a place that is the traditional setting for sumptuous stories of seduction, of lust, of all the imaginable excesses of earthly life.
The garden revisits the traditional theme of the grotto, a hidden, mysterious space concealed by skilful use of plants. To reach the grotto, you must take the flower-bordered path that leads away to the left, and slowly go past the imposing structure to come upon the entrance to the grotto at the end of the path. You visit that closed-off place with apprehension and curiosity, to experience all the feelings and emotions that it can call forth in us, and finally to leave it, perhaps with a sense of relief, by taking the secret exit.